How to become an Araratian Baccalaureate Program School
List of Araratian Baccalaureate Candidate Schools
List of schools that applied to join the Araratian Baccalaureate
Short Overview of the AB School Leadership Professional Development Program
AB School Leadership Development Framework (Standards)

The Araratian Baccalaureate (AB) program is intended for schools that strive for changes, are ready to step on the path of ongoing development and do want to ensure new quality of education at the same time granting comprehensive and balanced learning opportunities to students.

Only schools that meet the following criteria are eligible to apply to join the AB program:

Note: We aim to roll out the program to as many regions as possible. However, if the state contains us by the number of schools, in case of more than one school applying to join the program from the same region, we will give preference to the one that more meets our requirements. If two similar schools apply, we will give preference to the one that:

To join the AB program schools should go through the following phases:

  1. Application – The school fills in the application form. Afterward, the NPEE team visits the school and has an interview with the school head and the team.
  2. Candidacy.
  3. Certification.

The applications are examined and schools that meet the requirements of that phase make it to the Candidacy phase in which the NPEE team acts as a consultant providing ongoing advice. The advice can be given in form of procedures and guidelines as well as visits by the NPEE team.

To obtain the certificate schools should carry out a number of works mostly focusing on:

The certification process might last up to five years depending on how long the school remains in the Candidacy phase.

During the first three to five years the school is given a beginner’s status and gets ongoing guidance from the NPEE team. Afterwards, the school should simply maintain the changes and achievements of the previous phases and work to constantly improve them.